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From: Mark Kuzmycz <>
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Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 09:52:42 --1000
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Subject: Creating strings
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Hello fellow Blizers,
I am currently creating a text editor for an Amiga guide generator. So far
I have the basic text editor built. The problem is that when I load a one
thousand line text file it takes 3 to 5 minutes on an Amiga 500. I currently
use an edit(1024) to read a line in at a time. As you can see this time is
unacceptable so I experimented to see how quickly I could count the number
of lines (load the file in the buffer and search for asc 10) and found I
could do this in less than one second.
Since I can determine where each line end I would like to know how to create
a string that is compatable with blitz strings. For example I know
that the first workd of a Blitz string is the size and that the last Character
is a null character. What I don't know is how do I place a string in a string
variable? Do I need to allocate memory or are all strings allocated to the
max string size (I don't think so). Also, is there a way to access the internal
sting buffer as this could speed up the creation of a string.